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2019-06-18 14:15来源:互联网关注:作者:蒙多



  No.10 Down the fruit juice


  If you’re looking for a quick way to put on weight, start downing glass after glass of fruit juice. While often thought to be a healthy beverage, it's really anything but. It contains far too many carbs to be on a fat-loss or weight-maintenance diet and what's worse is that a large portion of these carbs will be fructose, which gets converted to body fat much quicker since it can't be stored in the muscle cells. Solution? Opt for water, milk or green tea。


  No.9 Binge drink


  If you're the type to avoid drinking throughout the workweek and then go out for a night of partying on the weekend, you're going to get fat. It's quite easy to consume well over 1,000 calories on a good night of drinking, and if you add up all the chicken wings, pizza and peanuts you consume while you're at it, you could be looking at a full pound of fat gained over the course of the evening. As far as your waistline is concerned, limit alcohol consumption to one or two drinks a night, on occasion。

  假如你是那种工作日不沾酒,一到周末就狂饮的人,恭喜你,很快你就能成为一个胖子了。喝一晚的酒大约会摄入1000大卡的热 量,更不用说那些鸡翅、批萨、花生之类的下酒菜了。这一晚光脂肪摄入就有约一磅。如果你还在乎腰围的话,那就限制酒精摄入吧,偶尔喝个一两杯什么的,这样 更好。

  No.8 Eat carbs


  If there's one thing that can make you fat quickly, carbohydrates would be it. High-carb foods, especially of the processed variety, are extremely dangerous in terms of fat gain, because they'll quickly cause your insulin levels to soar, which puts the body into a fat-storing state. With all these calories floating around in the blood with nowhere to go -- unless you've just done a very intense workout -- they're fated for fat storage. Always keep carbohydrate consumption to a moderate level and be sure to balance them out with a lean protein as well。


  No.7 Eat out


  Another thing you should avoid doing is eating out frequently at restaurants. Many people do a great job at avoiding fast-food fare, but what most don't realize is that dine-in restaurants are almost twice as bad. The average entree can easily pack in well over 1,000 calories and is often processed, so if you want to prevent fat gain, cook at home as often as possible。


  No.6 Take the car


  As much as you might focus on getting in the most intense workout sessions possible, failing to look at the everyday ways you can be active will really cost you. If you hit the gym regularly but then drive everywhere (and are all-around quite lazy), this will significantly lower your overall calorie burn for the day. Just by getting out of the car and walking around more often, you can easily burn off 200 to 500 calories per day. Easy, right?


  No.5 Eat greasy food


  If you are going to cheat on your diet, the worst foods to do so with is high-carb, greasy fare. When you consume foods that are both high in carbs and high in fat (such as pizza, doughnuts or burgers), you're really hitting the body hard with excess calories that will lead to weight gain. Now you'll have raised insulin levels from the high-carb intake, and with those insulin levels high and your body in prime fat-storing mode, you'll quickly take the fat up and store it. If you're going to cheat, do so with lower fat, higher carb foods. This way, with the raised insulin, all the excess carbs can go toward the muscle cells to refill muscle glycogen, thus reducing the chances that you gain body fat。

