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2019-03-09 02:29来源:互联网关注:243作者:默克

4. Elevate the academic and applied studies of Chinese Medicine, respecting traditional knowledge and encouraging innovation and the application of new knowledge in order to bring the full utilization of Chinese Medicine’s unique advantages in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of common and complex diseases.

5. Strengthen Chinese Medicine education and training at higher education institutions, emphasizing the evaluation of Chinese Medicine practitioners and optimizing the practice to meet the needs of global health services.

6. Engage in the dissemination of Chinese Medicine knowledge and cultural value in the development of the social environment to integrate Chinese Medicine with the local culture in different countries.

7. Boost international Chinese Medicine communication to promote the academic strength of Chinese Medicine, to advocate for interprofessional practice and better integration of Chinese Medicine and modern medicine, to endorse multidisciplinary research, and to actively participate in the improvement of global health governance.

8. Support the “Belt & Road” initiative by the Chinese government to maximize the role of Chinese Medicine in improving people’s well-being and promoting international communication, so as to contribute to the creation of a global human health community.

9. Fortify the international solidarity of Chinese Medicine practitioners and professional bodies to build consensus, cohesion, inclusivity, and unity around common goals.

10. Formalize the international recognition of Chinese Medicine by celebrating the October 11th each year as World Chinese Medicine Day.

Health is a common pursuit for all mankind. The world needs and benefits from Chinese Medicine. We, the Fifteenth World Congress of Chinese Medicine in Rome, call upon all Chinese Medicine practitioners and professional bodies across the globe to join in this collective effort of ushering in a new era of benefiting human health with Chinese Medicine.

Fifteenth World Congress of Chinese Medicine

November 18, 2018 in Rome



